Prêmio Paralela de Criação em Dança 2021 (Paralela’s Creation Dance Award) is one of the actions that will be performed during out 8th edition facilitated by facilitated by the Programa Municipal de Incentivo à Cultura da Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de Uberlândia (Municipal Culture Incentive Program of the Municipal Secretary of Culture of Uberlândia) and will select one inedited dance creation propose to debut in on May in 2022.
The proprose will receive R$3.000,00; jobs payments in scenic space indicated by Paralela’s production if needed; sound and lighting equipment avaialabe in spaces if needed; charter and license negotiations assistance acording to public agencies if needed; performance debut publicize on our media; local production during our 8th edition; and cooperation in order to find essay spaces.
Artists, producers and cultural agens can take part of the award, but 70% of the team must be resid in Uberlândia (Minas Gerais, Brazil).